Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Updates for Aug 2018

It is another great month for 笨mummy’s wallet due to the yummy dividends received for the month and also a slightly higher interest received from her saving deposit due to the changes to UOB one account (she has moved $25,000 from SCB e-saver that gives her 1.25%  to UOB one account which giving her an effective interest rate of 2.43%).  On the bad side, it appears that she is locking up a rather large amount of cash with the banks.

笨mummy had decided to rebalance her portfolio by reducing the retail bonds that she is currently holding. She had disposed the following bonds that are trading below $1:
- Aspial (BEYZ) disposed at $0.955
- Oxley MTN (BJFZ) disposed at $0.995

Reason for doing so is that given that the interest rate is on a upward trend, the coupon payout % for these retail bonds no longer justify for the amount of risk to be taken. Secondly, 笨mummy must also admitted that the decision was in a way partially influenced by the recent Hyflux incident. Although the amount affected was considered not a lot as her total cost was only $6,800, it still left a bad taste. 

The proceeds from the sales of the retail bonds would like to be put in another high yield saving account while waiting for a chance to deploy them to buy shares when opportunities arise.

The total dividend to-date after adding Aug dividend is $10,833.20. This amount is 17% or $1,594.92 more than Aug 17 total dividend.  

Dividend / interest for month of Aug 18:  
M1 - S$ 1,040
Keppel Corp - S$ 300
CDL H Trust - S$ 456.86
Suntec REIT - S$ 247.40
Ascott Trust - S$ 351.12
Aspial Bond - S$ 52.07
Mapletree GCC - S$ 111.70
Capital Mall Bond (3.08%) - S$ 76.37
ST Engineering - S$ 550

Dividend received in Year 2014
S$ 8,241.99
Dividend received in Year 2015
S$ 8,978.59
Dividend received in Year 2016
S$ 12,145.15
Dividend received in Year 2017
S$ 12,964.44
Dividend received in Aug 2018
S$ 3,185.52
Dividend received in Yr 2018 to date
S$ 10,833.20

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