Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Secret Recipe 's 11th Anniversary Promotion

Secret Recipe is celebrating their 11th Anniversary with a special 40% discount on their 1 recipe whole cake from 18th to 29th Oct at selected outlets and selected timing also. 

Please refer to the poster below for the terms and conditions for the promotion.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

笨mummy's daily rant -07 Oct 2010

笨mummy is having headache since Tue. She feels terrible with the pain in the head, and has problem focusing and concentrating at work. 

Unlike flu or fever where there are visible signs, headache is not a "illness" that can be seen or measure in some way. Sometime it is so hard to get medical leave as it may appear to the doctor and even your boss that you are trying to "chao keng" [to cheat"].

Monday, October 4, 2010

笨mummy's daily rant -04 Oct 2010

笨mummy was asked the same question again over this weekend about when she is getting marry. She cannot help but wonder why must people follow the norms? What is it about the cycle of life that everyone need to follow. From schooling to working to getting attached to getting marry and having kids, etc. 

It appears that life be so predictable and so process-like, and everyone need to follow that "invisible book of rules and regulations". If you help to move away from the norms according to that "invisible book of rules and regulations", you would be treated like a freak.

笨mummy does not think of getting marry after she hit the 30 mark last year. There is no desire in the heart to do so as the heart is calm and peaceful. Whatever dreams that she hopes to create is already gone after the long wait, and the fire of passion to create these dreams already gone by now. 

Now she only want to hit 35 and buy a HDB flat on a resale market and stay on her own.