Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Family conflict part 1

mummy has her fair share of dealing with unreasonable people especially coming from a 2 years stint as a customer service operator. Dealing with difficult colleagues, customers, friends and even suppliers are never much a problem as we can always end the relationship if thing get bad (i.e. we can quit our job, stop buying stuffs from that particular supplier).  The most difficult is dealing with family members. Family members are linked by blood ties and it is never by choice, unlike a friend that we choose to befriend.

mummy has a first-hand encounter with difficult and unreasonable family members. This is also the cause of her decision to be a SAHM and not enlist the help of her mother anymore to take care of her Child 1 and Child 2 and move back to her own place. Family member A and B are both not in full time employment and they experience great deal of unhappiness withmummy continuing to stay with them in the same household for reason, yet again unknown tomummy. Maybemummy has annoyed them in ways that she is not aware of.

Profile of these difficult and unreasonable family members
Family member A is like a phantom living in the household. mummy never really got to see him during her stay at the household. He was out early in the morning between 5-6am for his regular morning walk beforemummy wakes up (which is normally around 6am to feed Child 2 and eat her breakfast and prepare for work).  mummy is left the household around 7.15am for work and in most days, Family member A has not yet return from his morning walk when she left the household. In those days when Family member A is back beforemummy left the house, there is little chance of interaction at all, as he went straight to the toilet for “big business” (i.e. pooing) and this normally take a while for him. By the timemummy came back from work, Family member A is gone and he would only be back to the household after 10pm, and at that time, mummy is already in her room sleeping.

Family member B operates like he is living in the Europe time zone, i.e. he wakes up at 3-4pm in the afternoon and went to bed at 5-6 am in the morning. His meal times also have uncanny similarity to a person living and breathing in the Europe time zone. Breakfast for him start at 3-4pm (i.e. UK time 8-9am), he would then have lunch around 7pm (that UK time 12noon), dinner at 2-3am and on some days, supper at 5am. Family member B stay at home most of the time, with short intervals during the days where he would be out of the household to have a smoking break and buy lottery (toto,4D) or at middle of the night to get food.

What are their grievances?
Grievance number 1 -mummy does not help out in the household or selfish by taking day off to do her own stuff and not helping out with household chores.
The common complaint thatmummy heard from them is that she does not help out in the household or taking day off to do her own stuff. Hmm that is in a way true when she is hardly around or she is busy with stuff on her leave day. Let her details how a typical weekday is like  –

Wake up, clean up, enjoy her breakfast – her own me-time of the day.
6.30 -7am
Feed Child 2
Get dress for work. If time permits, she does some basic chores –tidying up her bed, clean up the mess created by Child 1, if any, the night before
Commuting to and from work and working in office
Bath Child 2, has her dinner, bathe, feed Child 2, wash and sterilize Child 2’s bottles, coax Child 2 to sleep. Entertain Child 1 when required depending on his mood.
Ifmummy is not the choose one to play with Child 1, she would have a bit of time to catch a breather.
10pm to 1am
By 10pm, mummy prepared for hit the bed with 3-5 occasional disturbance from Child 2 who co-sleep where she needs to rock or carry Child 2 to settle her back to sleep.
1am to 1.30am
Child 2’s midnight feed at 1am. This vary depending on Child 2. Sometime she can be up as early as 11pm or even as late as 3.30am for the feed

While her typical weekend schedule is
mummy returns to her own house with Child 1 and 2. This includes feeding, diaper changing, playing, bathing, entertaining both Child 1 and 2. If time permits, she could have a breather to have a coffee break at 3pm.
Sun morning
Laundry is scheduled on Sunday
Sun 4pm
mummy returns to the household around 4pm in the afternoon with Child 2. Child 1 is temporary out-sourced to the other set of grandparents till dinner time. Normally, mummy will go out for a short trip to the mall (from 4pm to 5.30pm) leaving Child 2 with her mum since 4-5pm is the napping time of Child 2.
She will try to be back by 5.30 pm to start the evening cycle started again (see above 6.30 to 10pm of the weekday schedule above). 

Let’s talk about days where she is on leave. The morning cycle and evening cycle are identical to a weekday, except the time in office is replaced with the following:

Entertain Child 1 and bring Child 1 to school
Commuting to her house. Yes, it will take about an hour or so to reach
Sweeping & mopping, washing of bedsheets, etc (Depending on the scheduled tasks of the month)
11.30am to 2pm
Lunch and grocery shopping (i.e. veg, fish and meat for cooking Child 1 lunch and dinner on weekend and stock up any items that need to be replenished) – including commuting time
Back home. Unpack the grocery purchases
Commuting back to household. Sometimes if mummy settled her chores earlier, she would be back to the household at 2pm.
Once she is back to the household, she would be busy with Child 2 – i.e. feeding, diaper changing and playing.
After 5.30pm
The evening cycle begins.

Looking at the schedules, mummy wonders where are the empty slots that she could find time to help out with the household chores. mummy did offer a number of ways to lighten the household chores of her mum – ordering of tingkat (so no need for cooking of dinner), her family members’ clothing can be wash once/twice a week using the washing machine since office wear are not that dirty (so no need to handwash everyday) 

Grievance number 2 – Complain too much or nag too much on the way Child 1 and Child 2 are managed.
Another common grievance that mummy heard is that she complain /nag too much. mummy wonders which mummy does not complain/nag on the way their own children are being care for, whether they care for by grandparents, maid or childcare. She knows a number of mummies that set restrictions for their child’s caregiver, i.e. no TV/iPad, no sleeping in摇篮, no use of walker, daily morning stroll to get the morning sun (they said this helps babies to vitamin D which is good for calcium absorption and bone development).  And childcare centers also enforced rules in toddles to help them in their social development and keep communication with parents on the child's progress in childcare. 

One of the highlight that created most grievance in B is her complaint of the use of iPad during bedtime or close to bedtime given by B to Child 1. mummy does not set any rule for her mum caring for her Child 1, although she has a no iPad rule at her own place, she understand that iPad could, in some way occupied a child for a while and freeing up some time. Child 1 started using iPad after moving to the household (he only moved there after 18 months). mummy witnessed constant temper tantrum from Child 1 due to the use of iPad at the household. Sleep time is affected, with Child 1 not wanting to sleep and hope to continue with the iPad. Screaming, yelling, hitting of adult are all common sight. mummy has told her mum to stop the usage of iPad at night so that such episodes of temper tantrum can be reduced and iPad usage is still okay anytime before bedtime. Nowadays, mummy is no longer see temper tantrum at bedtime though Child 1 still not wanting to sleep at bedtime and find excuse to delay bedtime, but there is no screaming, telling or hitting of adults in his attempt to delay bedtime.

Other causes of complaints from mummy is the differing view between the old wives tales and the scientific facts. mummy is a more of a supporter of the scientific facts and disagree with some old traditional that has no basis– like newborn babies should drink some water cause formula milk is heaty and cause constipation, introducing solid early would help babies sleep through the night, shaving newborn’s hair will make it grow better, etc. Sometimes these comments come from Family member A who has no experience caring for a baby or child at all. Imaging a person who does not drive, sitting next to the driver in a car, giving instruction to the driver on how to drive. 

If they do not like to hear mummy complaining or nagging, that is going to be hard. She, as a parent, is naturally concerned with her children’s well-being, and there is no way she would keep silent when it impacts the well-being of her children. They do not get it cause they have never been a parent before. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

New role wef 1 May 2017 - CFO of the house

As a stay at home mum, mummy has also assumed the role of the CFO (Chief Finance Officer) of the household. From a double income household moving to a single income household will, of course, has an impact on the finance of the household. As agreed with hubby, starting from May 2017,mummy has agreed on a monthly sum of $1,000 a month to manage the daily expenses of the family (excluding mortgage repayment of $1,690.92 per month) based on the following estimated breakdown:

Household expenses (per month)
Home Broadband (actual)
Town Council conservancy charges (actual)
Utilities charges (Estimated)
Groceries (Estimated)

Child 1’s Nursery School Fee1 (Actual)
Child 1’s Diaper2 / Milk3 (Estimated)

Child 2’s Diaper4 / Milk5 (Estimated)

Yes, you are not seeing wrong, the total household expenses is more than the budget given by hubby. It is up tomummy to manage the budget given with the estimated expenses by achieving saving in the following areas:

> bulk purchases during sales or in-store discount
> credit card rebates from purchases
> government grant or subsidy for utilities or conservancy charge 

> reduce cost due to change of events, e.g. Child 2 is coming to 6 months in a few weeks and the milk powder expense would also expect to come down significantly as Child 2 starts weaning and the cost of stage 2 milk powder is always cheaper than stage 1 or Child 1 “upgrade” to a diaper-less
> Alsomummy has stockpiled some diapers during the 12 Dec Qoolife store promotion and NTUC baby fair in end Feb 2017. The diapers bought, ranging from M size to L size, should last for a while for Child 2.

1 Child 1 is now studying at Sparkletots nursery program which run for 3 hours with a monthly school fee of S$171.20. However there are also some miscellaneous costs involved at the start of the year or end of each school term  – insurance, material cost, school outing, etc. Although there is no school during school holiday in Jun and Dec period, school fee is still applicable.
2 Child 1 has not mastered the skill of night time toilet training, hence he still required a diaper per day at bedtime, and this works out to be 30 diapers a month. Pamper XL pants (36 pcs) is selling for S$22.90 on Redmart (without any discount). Hopefully, this expense would go off once Child 1 mastered night time toilet training ability.
3 Child 1 is drinking Similac Gain IQ stage 4 and he finished a tin of 850g in a month. One tin is selling for S$39.90 on Redmart.
4 Child 2, being an infant, uses an estimate of 5 diapers a day, and a month would be 150 diapers. Pamper tape diaper size M is selling for S$52 (for 184 pcs) on Qoolife store on Qoo10. The cost per month is estimated to be around $43 (150 x 52/184)

5 Child 2 finished a tin of 800g milk powder in a week. The cost of a tin of her milk power is 66.90 and a monthly would cost S$267.60. Infant milk powder for babies below 6 months does not have promotion, hencemummy has to bear with the ridiculously high price for a while before Child 2 can move to stage 2 milk formula which come with a lower price tag. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Updates for Mar 2017

As always March is a quiet month with no buy/sell action taken and minimal cash inflow from dividends or coupon payout from bonds/ preference shares. 

The only action that
mummy took this month was to subscribe for the Ascott rights. She decided to subscribe to the full entitlement of her rights of Ascott Trust as well as excess rights of 680 to make it a round amount of 3000 units. Let's wait patiently for the result that would be out 11 April. 
This month is ended with a major personal decision made that would have a very huge impact to the overall financial of mummy - she has decided to quit her job to be a stay at home mum. Yes, it is a major decision that was attributed to a number of push factors - family conflict with sibling over getting her mum to take care of her children (家家有本难念的经, that's a story for another time), lack of motivation at work due to the mismatch of abilities vs work expectation (she rather spend her time on something more meaningful, like her family, than on a job that go nowhere) , mid life crisis (wanting to have a more meaning in life than being tied down with the routine stuffs with no time to rest). 
Although mummy has not ascertain how much the finance of the household would be impacted by the decision, she is confident that a single income from her husband should be able to support the expense of the family of 4. Meanwhile she would explore alternative source of incomes to increase the cash position. Some avenues she is exploring are selling used stuff on carousell (mainly preloved baby clothes and toys), earning more dividend income from shares, finding part time work that can be done at home or during spare time and renting out a spare room of her house. 

Dividend / interest for month of Mar 17: 
HPH Trust - 29.93

Dividend received in Year 2014
$ 8,241.99
Dividend received in Year 2015
$ 8,978.59
Dividend received in Year 2016
Dividend received in Mar 2017
$ 29.93
Dividend received in Year 2017 to date
$ 2,190.13