笨mummy has been using Carousell for a while now and thought that she could share some of her personal experience on using the platform.
1) People do not always read the descriptions
After selling items on Carousell for close to 3 months now, 笨mummy realised that a lot of people do not bother to read. There was one instance where the buyer complained about the condition of an item sold despite 笨mummy had very clearly detailed the condition of the item.
As pre-caution and to avoid unhappiness from buyers, she always take time to re-state on the condition of the item in the description during her chat with the buyers.
2) There are still people in Singapore in need of help / financial assistance
Singapore is a developed country, however, there are still some group of people who need help and less well-off So before you throw away anything that is still useable, try blessing away on Carousell to someone who needed it. Try listing anything that you want to throw away for 3 - 5 days once Carousell under the word "BLESS", if there is no buyer by them, you can go ahead and throw it away. If there is a buyer, you end up doing a good deed.
There are baby clothes that had milk stain (which she intended to throw away) and 笨mummy still managed to bless them out. A lot of us would throw stuff away that are still usable but aesthetically unpleasing. But to those some people, it is more importance to have something that they could use and save the money to buy a new one.
3) Dealing with lost post or mail
笨mummy had encountered one lost mail where the buyer informed that she did not receive the parcel sent out to her after one week. This is totally surprising for 笨mummy as she has never encounter a lost mail or parcel since the day one of her online shopping journey. Being a SAHM with pocket of time when Child 1 is in school, she tried to tracing the location of this so called missing parcel and 皇天不负责任苦心人, 笨mummy managed to locate the parcel with some efforts and she still has a zero missing mail record.
笨mummy decided to share with you all on what she learnt from this whole experience so that it could be benefit some of you that regularly purchase stuff online or sell stuff online and you do not need to go through what she did.
As a general tip:
For a seller
- Always take a photo of the parcel before you mail out the item so that the buyer can used the photo to show to the post office staff in the event no delivery advice is received.
- Always put the returned address so that the item can be returned to you if it failed to reach the buyer.
For a buyer
- If you did not receive your parcel via normal postage after a week, you can proceed to your designated post office (normally the one where your undelivered mail or registered mail is returned to) to check if the post office has your item. Why one week you may ask, this is because, delivery time for bigger items via normal post is 3-5 working days instead of the next working day as normal mail.
- You can collect the undelivered item without a delivery advice - NRIC showing the address and a picture of the parcel /item would allow you to collect the item. You may wonder why the delivery advice took so long to arrive. As understand from the post office staff and Singpost customer care, for normal postage that are too big to put into the mailbox, the postman would go to your place and if nobody at home, the item would be return to the designated post office (may not be the nearest one) and no delivery advice would be left at door. The delivery advice is prepared by the designated post office and mailed out to the buyer address and this would take another few working days. This is unlike a registered mail where a delivery advice is available and attached to a mail for the recipient to sign or to be left at the door in the event of non-delivery.