Thursday, March 29, 2018

Updates for Mar 2018

Mar is a depressing month for 笨mummy as the reality of going back to work trashing your self confidence was felt again by 笨mummy. Sometimes it is hard not to be affected by negative judgements on one work performance. The problem with back to the workforce is the constant judgements from peers and bosses on how one performed at work, it can range from the quality of work, the way one presents himself to the bosses and co-workers. It is unavoidable but still the feeling still suck. Being an introvert, 笨loves the research portion of her work but hate the clients facing part of her work and with a group of extrovert co-workers can be quite overwhelming for an introvert. 

She somehow missed the time when she was a SAHM where the only person that would judge her for the “work” is her own children and hubby. Maybe this is why there are so many get rich schemes and people queuing for 4D and TOTO so they could just be the lucky one who can get out of the rat race. Anyway 笨mummy is still under probation and if things do not work out, maybe she can go back to her SAHM life again end of June. And survive a bad record of not performing well for a probation. :(

After venting the frustration at work, it is time to share the cash inflow received. Overall a okay month with about $300 inflow. She also did a small trade in Mar to sell the 5,000 Ascendas REIT purchased in Feb at $2.67 and earning herself some pocket money. 

She also redeemed her 10,000 of Sept 2016 SSB and subscribed for the Apr 2018 issue, hopefully getting a better overall interest. In addition, she is keeping her fingers cross on the outcome of the Hyflux CPS and hope that the company would redeem these CPS in the coming April 18. 

Dividend / Interest for the month of Mar 2018

SSB Sep 17 - S$ 56.55
Ascendas India Trust - S$ 244.00

Dividend received in Year 2014
S$ 8,241.99
Dividend received in Year 2015
S$ 8,978.59
Dividend received in Year 2016
S$ 12,145.15
Dividend received in Year 2017
S$ 12,964.44
Dividend received in Mar 2018
S$ 300.55
Dividend received in Yr 2018 to date
S$ 1,644.53