Finally it is time to hand in the result for 2018. Total dividend for the year is 14,709.91. Still $300 short of the $15K target set. Let's try hard in 2019.
As for overall comparison with last year figures:
- 54K increase in cash component (i.e. cash in balance and the value of stock held)
- 27K increase in non-cash component (i.e CPF OA, SA and MA balance plus SRS investment and balance)
- 9.5K increase in the joint investment account with hubby
Overall, 笨mummy is happy with the amount of money she has managed accumulated this year with her employment income. Of course, she hopes that she could have better control over her spending, especially the portion on foods and coffee.
Dividend / interest for month of Dec 18:
Ascendas H Trust - S$ 224.80
SPH - $ 140.00
As for overall comparison with last year figures:
- 54K increase in cash component (i.e. cash in balance and the value of stock held)
- 27K increase in non-cash component (i.e CPF OA, SA and MA balance plus SRS investment and balance)
- 9.5K increase in the joint investment account with hubby
Overall, 笨mummy is happy with the amount of money she has managed accumulated this year with her employment income. Of course, she hopes that she could have better control over her spending, especially the portion on foods and coffee.
Dividend / interest for month of Dec 18:
Ascendas H Trust - S$ 224.80
SPH - $ 140.00
Dividend received in Year 2014
S$ 8,241.99
Dividend received in Year 2015
S$ 8,978.59
Dividend received in Year 2016
S$ 12,145.15
Dividend received in Year 2017
S$ 12,964.44
Dividend received in Dec 2018
S$ 364.80
Dividend received in Yr 2018 to date
S$ 14,709.91