Monday, May 26, 2014

Sharing of share portfolio and monthly dividend income

mummy just realize that a number of finance bloggers shared their share portfolio and dividend generated in their blogs. It seems to be a good way to keep track of one portfolio and dividends received. As the current excel spreadsheet used bymummy provides real time information and the past data would be overwritten once the latest share prices. The use of the blog to share the portfolio allow a snapshot of the portfolio at monthly basis. It is time formummy to try this out at the end of May. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Best payment mode for cab

The best payment mode for cab that  笨mummy discovered so far is the Nets Flashpay function of the OCBC Frank credit card. 

Firstly, Nets Flashpay auto top up (ATU) on OCBC Frank Credit Card can enjoy of 6% rebate if you can hit the minimum spending of $500. 

The use of Nets Flashpay allow one to enjoy a further 5% rebate on taxi fare if one spent more than $30 per month on cab. (See Nets Flashpay promotion:

See computation below: 
Assuming a monthly cab fare of $30, consisting of an average cab fare of $10 per trip.
Admin fee from using Nets Flashpay - $0.30 x 3 = $0.90

6% rebate from Frank Credit card - S$1.80  [i.e. 6% x S$30]
5% rebate from Nets Flashpay - S$1.50    [i.e. 5% x S$30]

Net gain: S$2.40 (a 8% gain from S$30 spending)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Points system for taking cab.

With the addition of a new family member, taking cabs is unavoidable nowadays for 笨mummy. Now a point system by Comfort for those people who take cabs is here.

From now to end May, there is a 500 points give for those who sign up. Why not sign up now and enjoy that extra head start. 

Under the cabreward system, payment by cashless mode would enjoy 1 point per $1 spent and a total of 1000 point can redeem a $5 comfort taxi voucher. Couple this with the Nets Flashpay, one can enjoy a further 5% rebate on taxi fare if one spent more than $30 per month on cab. (See Nets Flashpay promotion:

The 5% rebate can break-even the admin fee of $0.30 charged at a cab fare of S$6. 

Also for those that have the OCBC Frank credit card, the money that was top up into the credit card Nets Flashpay function is entitled to the 6% rebate (if one fulfill the OCBC  6% rebate requirement) and your break- even limit is even lower of S$3 [$3 x (5% + 6%)].