Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Standard chartered 360° Rewards Program

 笨mummy cannot deny the fact that she loves her Standard Chartered Bank credit card program and this is not without good reason. It is one of the banks that give reward points to credit card holder for merely having a "relationship" with the bank and no spending is involved.  

Yes,  笨mummy is talking about the 360° Rewards Program. For those interested, you can find the details on Standard Chartered Bank website - http://www.standardchartered.com.sg/personal-banking/cards/rewards/360-rewards/en/.

This is how it works for 笨mummy who is under the preferred banking with the bank: 

Every month 笨mummy would be getting 750 points from SCB and in a year that is 9,000 points. Based on the new updated reward redemption catalogue, this is what items that can be redeem within the 9,000 points: 

  • 7,200 points can get a S$30 sakae sushi voucher, 
  • 5,500 points can get S$30 GNC voucher
  • 5,200 points can get S$20 Paradise Group voucher

Which bank rewards customer with a potential free Japanese meal for just having "relationship" with them? Now you know the answer. :)